Expanding Reading Skills Advanced
Here is a new edition of the ever-popular Developing Reading Skills: Advanced. Authors Linda Markstein and Louis Hirasawa have teamed up once again to compile this latest addition to their highly successful reading series. Developing Reading Skills: Advanced, Second Edition, is designed for adults who want to strengthen their reading skills for academic, personal, or career purposes. Its readings have been selected from current nonfiction, magazine, and newspaper writing. Tested with native and nonnative speakers of English Developing Reading Skills: Advanced, Second Edition, is appropriate for both ESL and ABE classes. Key features: 12 contemporary readings Stimulating topics, such as “Two Billion More People by Century’s End; Islamic Customs Limit Kuwaiti Women; How to Find a Job; Made in Japan: A Day in the Life of a Typical Japanese Worker; From the Other Side of the Generation Gap New reading skills development exercises including pre-reading; cloze; antonyms, punctuation; graph and map reading; dictionary skills; sentence paraphrase Emphasis on guided reading practice and development of reading speed Separate answer key available Suitable for self-instruction Other books in the Marstein/Hirasawa series: Developing Reading Skills: Intermediate Expanding Reading Skills: Intermediate Expanding Reading Skills: Advanced
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